- Venango Technology Center
- 700 Property
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700 - Property
Policy # Title
Date of Adoption/Revision701 Facilities Planning 6/1/09
702 Gifts, Grants, Donations 6/1/09
703 Sanitary Management 6/1/09
704 Board DOCS 705 Board Docs 706 Property Records 6/1/09
706.1 Disposal of Surplus, Obsolete and Irreparable Furniture and Equipment 6/1/09
707 Board DOCS 708 Lending of Equipment and Books 6/1/09
709 Board Docs 710 Use of Facilities by Staff 6/1/09
715 Use of Fax Machines 6/1/09
716 Integrated Pest Management 6/1/09
717 Cellular Telephones 6/1/09
718 Service Animals in Schools 5/2/11
Last Modified on October 7, 2020